
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Welcome friends, family, and whoever else happens to stumble upon this blog. I am so glad you are here! My name is Mikahla Klug; I’m 22 years old, a senior at Liberty University, and preparing to embark on the adventure of a lifetime called the World Race.

Come September, I will be saying farewell to friends, family, and the comforts of my life here in America as I move overseas for 11 months as a missionary. I truly could not be MORE EXCITED.

You may be wondering what prompted me to pick up my life and move overseas for a year, and oddly enough, the answer is quite simple. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I love Jesus with my whole heart. Although I grew up in a Christian home, I never truly knew what it meant to walk with Jesus until I got to college.

During my time at Liberty, I grew to understand that Christianity isn’t just all about the rules. It’s not what you do right and what you do wrong, the do’s and don’ts. It’s just about loving God and loving others. That’s it. And from that love for God will come a heart that desires to glorify and honor His name. Our truest and most authentic selves are found when our confidence lies not in the opinions of others, or in the vanity of our accomplishments, but in the steadfast truth of knowing who we are because of whose we are.

Jesus has been the greatest catalyst of change in my life. He is an abundant source of peace and joy, despite the brokenness of our world today. He truly has changed everything and provided more for me than I could have ever imagined. Mark 10:45 says, “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many,” and, in this next year that’s my goal, to serve others well, learn from the people I have the blessing of serving, and share the love of Jesus with them.

During this next year I will serve with a team of individuals (my squadmates) in the following countries: Nepal, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Eswatini (Swaziland), Zambia, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Rwanda.

In each location, we will be serving alongside established local ministry partners to meet the pertinent needs of the community.

The focus of our ministry will be dependent on the needs of each community but can include church planting, community development, sex trafficking ministry, college ministry, drug rehab ministry, special needs ministry, refugee ministry, feeding programs, school ministry, agricultural work, and serving in any capacity that we possibly can.

Acts 1:8 talks about how we are ALL called to share the gospel and reach the nations. In this next year, I am looking for individuals that are willing to partner with me in the Great Commission.

The Great Commission isn’t just for some people, but for all people. And, as believers, the Lord has placed each of us in particular places and spaces to share the gospel with those around us. Next year I will be overseas, but I understand that not all are able to serve in an international capacity.

That being said, there are three ways in which you are able to partner with me.

First and foremost is prayer. We can do nothing apart from Christ and the ability to intercede on behalf of others through prayer is a powerful thing.  I will need prayers for my preparation, for travel mercies, for the relationships I am about to build, and for my day-to-day life over the next year. Everyday, but especially on the hard days, your prayers will be something to which I will cling.

Second is through donation of supplies. I will be living out of a backpack and a tent for the next 11 months and there is gear that I will be required to have in order for me to do that. I understand that some people prefer to provide tangible gifts as opposed to monetary gifts, and this is an opportunity to do that.

Lasty, you can help through financial support. It takes money to go where I am going, and, if you feel led and are willing/able to support me in this way, there is a donation button at the top of the home screen of my blog. I also can take donations via Venmo @Mikahla-Klug, Cashapp, or through Apple Pay if you prefer.

I truly am ecstatic for this opportunity, and I want to thank you all for your continued support as I walk into this next season. I look forward to sharing this journey through my blog with you all, and I am expectant for what is to come.